NCLT partners to create community change – impacting individuals, neighborhoods, systems, and future generations. Together, residents, stakeholders, staff, and volunteers can overcome systemic barriers to equitable housing.
Partnering for change
NCLT facilitated the first tenant in California, Jocelyn Foreman, to use SB 1079 to purchase her foreclosed home from a corporate speculator.
NCLT collaborated with residents to acquire three Berkeley & Oakland buildings, preventing sales to speculators, as part of an anti-displacement effort.
NCLT incubated two CLTs, SHCLA and PAHALI, and is now collaborating in the development of Artist Space Trust and Vallejo CLT.
50 years
Founded in 1973, NCLT aimed to reduce land speculation, increase land accessibility for low-income households, and advance land use for the common good.
118 units
NCLT’s portfolio includes 118 units at 24 properties and includes affordable rentals, co-living spaces, cooperatives, condominiums, community facilities, and gardens.
$40-50 million
NCLT’s ‘community equity,’ initially seeded with an $8 to $10 million subsidy, is worth approximately $40 to $50 million today.
Stay tuned for resident stories, imortalizing how their contributions to Northern California Land Trust break down the systemic barriers of housing to bring about equity.
Success Stories
“When I transitioned from my previous housing to moving into Bakers Dozen and the NCLT model, I went from being alone to moving into a space of like-minded folk like me. I went to being among community."
Olivia's story marks an important shift in housing during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting how the land trust model can provide a means of survival as community members face uncertainty together.
"This home is not a home, but a temple I am leaving for the generation that comes after me"
Jocelyn Foreman's inspiring journey of resistance challenges racial barriers and systemic issues, empowering the global majority to achieve homeownership and secure a brighter future for their families.
Introducing Woolsey Gardens
A groundbreaking and replicable multifamily housing project with 65 units featuring permanent affordability and sustainable design on community-owned and governed land. Join us in shaping a future where affordability, sustainability, and thriving communities come together.